
Our Vision

We at Scribit are taking the essential steps to integrate the concept of circular economy into our work from design to production and shipping. As a small start-up team, we are committed to giving back as much as we take: an ongoing challenge with lots to be done. Our journey has just taken off!

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Since its launch, Scribit's packaging has been mostly plastic-free, and it has gone 100% recyclable from 2021 onwards. These include the shipper, cartons, and inserts which are completely made of paper.

Inspirational contests

Frequent contests for creative people to join us sensitizing about sustainability through a new communication channel: Scribit, The Drawing Robot. The Scribit gallery app has +1,500 drawings available for the community to draw with their robots; so, why not use Scribit’s drawings to raise awareness about the importance of being environmentally responsible?

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The Scribit Pen is an ongoing development project that addresses the issue of plastic pollution produced by the global marker industry. In the tangible future, we envision every component of the new pen will be eco-friendly.

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